Saturday, March 19, 2016

Welcome to Holly's Reading Reflections

Why, hello there. My name is Holly. I love Jesus and I love to read. I started reading when I was 4 years old, and now that I'm 17 I've read many, many books throughout my lifetime. Since I've been a teenager, I've read too many books to count. Reading is my passion. It excites me, interests me, and makes me happy. 

Being a Christian, I don't want to read books that sacrifice my innocence, and I don't want that for you, either. Kissing, sexual content, and swearing isn't necessary in a good book. In fact, in most books, you could remove all of that and it would probably be so much better than it was before. Reading influences our imaginations in incredible ways, and as Christians, some of that stuff we just don't need to think about, especially as teenagers.
At the same time, the book doesn't have to be "Christian-y" to be good. It doesn't have to be about a Christian main character to appeal to my values. Of course not! Sometimes those are even worse. 

I want to read a book that will change my life, and many books have. I want to read one that will take me away to a new place and show me things I've never imagined before. When I'm done with a book, when I've read the last page, I want to be able to put it down and think, "Wow." I think we all want this. This is why we read fiction, isn't it?

I like reading the popular stuff. I want to know what happens in the book everyone is talking about. But if it's not for me, if it sacrifices my values, it's not worth the time. I could be reading something so much better and fruitful right now. 
Do you know what's even better than reading the most popular book and liking it? Reading a book no one has ever heard of and loving it. This is one of my favorite things to do. I know many preteens and teens want to read a book everyone else is reading so they can talk with their friends about it. But chances are, if your friends see how much you are in love with a book they haven't heard of, they'll give it a shot and fall in love with it too. Or they won't, because that book just wasn't for them. But what matters anyway is that YOU love the book YOU are reading. 

In this blog, I hope to create honest reviews on the popular, new, and good/bad young adult and children's books I have and will read. I hope this blog will be useful to preteens, teens, and parents and show you which books are worth the read and which are better off on the shelves. 

1 comment:

  1. As a parent of a soon to be teen, I look forward to hearing what you have to say and reading recommendations. Michelle H.
